Tuesday, June 6, 2023

First Flight Attendant

The German Heinrich Kubis was the world's first flight attendant, in 1912. Kubis first attended to the passengers on board the DELAG Zeppelin LZ 10 Schwaben.He also attended to the famous LZ 129 Hindenburg and was on board when it burst into flames. He survived by jumping out a window when it neared the ground.

Heinrich Kubis (back row, fourth from right), pictured with other survivors of the Hindenburg

Kubis trained as a waiter and worked in several luxury hotels in Europe, including the Hôtel Ritz Paris and the Carlton Hotel, London.

In March 1912 Kubis began attending to passengers on the LZ 10 Schwaben during flights from Berlin to Friedrichshafen. He thereby preceded the debut of the first female flight attendant, Ellen Church, by eighteen years. He survived the destruction of the Schwaben near Düsseldorf on 28 June 1912.

Kubis was on the Hindenburg at the time of its destruction in New Jersey in 1937. On the Hindenburg Kubis was not only a flight attendant but the manager of the entire waitstaff, overseeing fifteen cooks and waiters. He was responsible for confiscating cigarette lighters and matches from passengers as they boarded the aircraft, stating, "We Germans don't fool around with hydrogen. Kubis had nearly missed the voyage due to illness but recovered in time to make the flight on 3 May. Kubis was in the dining room at the moment of the explosion and helped passengers to jump to safety. He himself escaped the disaster without injury.

He died in 1979.

Cabin Crew Selection Criteria 

Cabin crew interviews can be quite tough, so it's good to find out what kind of questions might be asked. These will usually be based on customer service and personal experience, so it is a good idea to practice some answers in advance.

The selection criteria for cabin crew members can vary slightly between different airlines, but generally, the following criteria are considered during the selection process:

Age:  Airlines typically have minimum and maximum age limits for cabin crew applicants. The age requirements can vary, but the minimum age is usually around 18 years. Some Airlines require a maximum age limit e.g. 25 [Non-Exp.] & 32[Experienced], some don't,e.g. Emirates, Qatar, Etihad, British Airways & many more

Education: Most airlines require a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification [A level,12th Grade]. Some airlines may prefer candidates with higher education, such as a degree or diploma [3/4 years of University Graduation] in hospitality, tourism, or a related field or any subject.
It's better to apply after Graduation or in the Final year, cause lots of travel and Airline Academic Study hamper general study.

Language Skills: Fluency in the language(s) spoken in the airline's operating region is essential. Additionally, proficiency in English, as it is the international language of aviation, is often required. Some airlines may also require knowledge of other languages depending on their routes.

Physical Fitness: Cabin crew members need to be physically fit and able to handle the demands of the job. Airlines typically have specific height and weight requirements, as well as guidelines for overall appearance and grooming standards.
No visible Tattoos [Face, Neck, Shoulder, Hand,Arm and Legs]
DRUG Tests will occur frequently or suddenly before or after the flight for safety propose.

Customer Service Skills: Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills are crucial for cabin crew members. Airlines look for candidates who can handle various customer situations with professionalism, courtesy, and empathy.

Communication and Teamwork: Strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively as part of a team are important for cabin crew members. They need to communicate clearly with passengers and fellow crew members, follow instructions, and collaborate to ensure a safe and pleasant flight experience.

Problem-solving Abilities: Cabin crew members should have good problem-solving skills and be able to make quick decisions in emergency situations. They need to assess and handle various scenarios, such as medical emergencies, passenger conflicts, or safety-related issues.

Adaptability and Resilience: Working as a Cabin Crew involves irregular working hours, long-haul flights, and dealing with different time zones. Airlines seek candidates who can adapt to changing schedules and remain composed under pressure.

Safety Awareness: Cabin crew members play a crucial role in passenger safety. Airlines value candidates who demonstrate a high level of safety awareness and can follow safety protocols and procedures diligently.

Legal Requirements: Candidates must meet the legal requirements set by aviation regulatory bodies and be eligible to work in the countries where the airline operates. This may include holding a valid passport, visa, or work permit.

It's important to note that specific airlines may have additional criteria or preferences, and the selection process may include multiple stages such as written tests, interviews, group discussions, final board interviews, medical examinations, and training programs.

Monday, June 5, 2023


Cabin Crew ✈

The Vital Role of Cabin Crew Members in Air Travel

Flying has become an integral part of our lives, connecting people and cultures across the globe. Behind every successful flight, there is a dedicated team of professionals working tirelessly to ensure the safety, comfort, and overall experience of passengers. At the heart of this team is the cabin crew, the friendly faces who make air travel not only safe but also enjoyable.

Who are the Cabin Crew?

Cabin crew members, also known as flight attendants, are responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers on a flight. They carry out the instructions given by pilots or co-pilots outside the cockpit and are in charge of the area from the cockpit door to the rear kitchen area.

They are selected in accordance with certain rules of aviation organizations and are subjected to the rules set by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation [DGCA].

Duties of Cabin Crew Members

Cabin crew members are responsible for ensuring passengers are satisfied with their flight experience and validating that passengers and their belongings are safe aboard the aircraft.

They are expected to deal with all passengers diplomatically, even when feeling the effects of traveling through time zones and spending extended periods of time on their feet.

Some of the key duties of cabin crew members include:

  • Attending pre-flight briefings, during which they are assigned their working positions for the upcoming flight.

  • Informing passengers of safety procedures and ensuring that everyone follows security regulations.
  • Serving refreshments and meals and selling gifts and duty-free items to passengers.

  • Providing excellent customer care to passengers while ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the flight


Skills Required for Cabin Crew Members

Cabin crew members are expected to possess a range of skills to perform their duties effectively. Some of the key skills required for the job include:

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • The ability to remain calm under pressure and handle difficult situations diplomatically.
  • Good problem-solving skills.

  • The ability to work well in a team.

  • Physical fitness and stamina.

Career Prospects

Promotion for cabin crew members is based on experience and performance. From the role of the Cabin Crew member, it's possible to progress to the position of Purser/Chief purser/In-flight manager and Instructor [Rated Aircraft].

In addition, they can work in the Hotel industry, as PR and & Sales Advisors for Real Estate Companies.

In conclusion, cabin crew members play a vital role in air travel, ensuring the safety, comfort, and overall experience of passengers. They possess a range of skills and are expected to deal with all passengers diplomatically, even when feeling the effects of traveling through time zones and spending extended periods of time on their feet.